Radio Control

This page is dedicated to my Uncle David

My introduction to RC came from watching my uncle fly his RC glider off the coastal cliffs in southern California. I was amazed by how he activated the control surfaces from a transmitter and how gracefully his airplane soared through the breeze; that fascination has stayed with me to this day. Although I have been heavily involved in RC, I have never had the opportunity to fly an unpowered sailplane. It is high on my bucket list.

Below is an old 8mm film of my Uncle David flying his glider

Fortunately for me, I live right next door to a soccer field, so I get to fly when there isn’t a game

Below are just a few random photos and videos of my toys. They don’t have an organization yet, but I’m working on it.

What’s on the Bench? * Live feed*

Scratch Built Wooden Drone

This was my first attempt at scratch-building a fully autonomous drone. I could program it to fly predetermined flight paths using GPS and Telemetry.

Unfortunately, it was disassembled, and parts were used to build subsequent versions.

My very first handmade drone. The frame is made of wood. Fully autonomous.

Mini DX Explorer

This is my attempt to build a replica of my full-size Jeep. Still in progress

Below are just a few pics of my toys. Some didn’t make the trip to Colorado, and some of my new toys are not listed here yet.